What are the Advantages of 9-to-5 Jobs Over Making Money Online?
What are the Advantages of 9-to-5 Jobs Over Making Money Online?

What are the Advantages of 9-to-5 Jobs Over Making Money Online?

Previously, we discussed What are the Advantages of Making Money Online Over 9-to-5 Jobs? Today, we flip it. Today we will discuss What are the Advantages of 9-to-5 Jobs Over Making Money Online? Yes i know you are wondering why. Just know that nothing is all bad and nothing is all good. If there is one thing i know about this universe is that nothing is 100%. Nothing is 100% good and nothing is 100% bad. And ladies and gentlemen, that’s the balance of nature. Anyway too much philosophy aside, let us talk about the advantages of 9-to-5 Jobs.

#1. Stable income.

Number one and maybe the most important fact about 9-to-5 Jobs is that it gives you a stable income. This is unlike making money online which is not guaranteed. Yes making money online has the potential to make you more money and limitless but its not stable. One of the serious problems with online jobs is that nothing is assured. Nothing is certain nor guaranteed. Its much like game of chances. Some days or months you might make a killing, on other days or months, you might not even get any earnings.

This is contrary to 9-to-5 Jobs whereby you are sure that at the end of month you have your salary. If you make a thousand dollars every month, then you can always be sure that at the end of the month you will get your thousand dollars.

#2. Employee Benefits.

One thing that you get with 9-to-5 jobs that you cannot get with online jobs is employee benefits. Full-time/9-to-5 jobs have a lot of benefits for the employees. Some of these benefits include health insurance. Actually some countries require the employers to provide health insurance.

Another benefit of the 9-to-5 jobs is retirement plans such as 401k. In many countries there is the pension for 9-to-5 jobs employees. This means that when you retire you will be getting money for the rest of your life as pension.

In addition to that, there are more benefits for 9-to-5 jobs such as paid leave. This is not for all employers but many companies will pay their employees while they are on leave. 9-to-5 jobs also have a lot of other bonuses.

#3. Work-Life separation.

With 9-to-5 jobs, you go to work from 9am to 5pm and then return home. Your work stays at workplace and your personal life stays at home. You know the two are separated. Your work colleagues only meet with you at work and your home personal life stays away.

On the other hand, for an online job, you do it from anywhere. Mostly, people do their online jobs at home. Online workers and even freelancers do their online work at home. This gets things mixed up. Their work and their personal life gets mixed up.

#4. Social interaction and human-to-human networking.

One thing with online jobs is that you are alone. You work remotely alone. I mean there are no other online workers there with you. This is unlike 9-to-5 jobs because you meet with other people at your workplace. For the 9-to-5 jobs you go to your workplace and other fellow employees come to the same place too. This gives you the opportunity to meet with other people and interact with them. In such places you can even meet some really great people. People who can add a lot of value to your life and good for networking.

#5. Career growth and skills development.

With the online jobs, you pretty much work for yourself to just make money. Its simply you do the job and get paid. You do not generate nor maintain any long-term relationship with any employer. Hence there is no room nor space for career growth nor skills development.

This is unlike 9-to-5 jobs jobs because you create and maintain a relationship with your employer. The employer maintains a relationship with his/her employees because they need to grow their business. They want to make sure that when they need new managers and directors, they get them from their experienced employees. Hence, you have a chance of career growth and skills development. Additionally, many companies and employers around the world will automatically promote and raise pay for their employees after a given period of time.

#6. Less Financial Risk.

Like we have discussed in point 1 above, a 9-to-5 job has a lot of financial stability. With a 9-to-5 job you get a stable income. This guarantees you that no matter what happens, by the end of the month, you will have your money. Hence less financial risks. This is contrary to online jobs because there some days or months that you wont make anything. Hence online jobs have higher financial risks.

#7. Legal and Tax simplicity.

With an online job, everything is all on you. It is up to you to deal with all legal matters. This is in addition to taxation. When your online employer pays you, you will have to deal with taxes on your own. This is contrary to a 9-to-5 job because most of legal and tax matters are taken care of by the employer. Your employer deals with the government directly. The employer also deals with most other legal matters directly. Additionally, the employer pays your taxes before they even pay you. You know they cut your taxes and pay before they even pay you.

#8. Predictable work hours.

By now you know that 9-to-5 jobs have very specific work hours. You go to your job at 9am and leave your work at 5pm. Simple clear and very specific. This is contrary to online jobs which are all messed up. There is no specific or fixed hours for work. You normally work when you finds work. Actually, for most online workers in the eastern hemisphere, they have to work at night because its daytime in the western hemisphere. You know when its daytime in east like Africa Asia and middle east, its night time in the west like USA. Hence if you want to work for USA from the east you have to work at night.

#9. Access your workplace resources.

9-to-5 jobs employers provide a lot of resources for their workers. Some of these resources include tools, software and other things like office space. There is even mental health care facilities provided. All that in addition to things like food and drinks.

On the other hand, online jobs do not provide any resources. Its simply you just getting jobs from online employers and doing the jobs. All up to you.

#10. Job Security.

9-to-5 jobs give you job security. This means you cannot wake up tomorrow and for no reason you are jobless. You will always have a job. 9-to-5 job employers don’t just fire people anyhow without good reasons. In order for you to be fired in 9-to-5 job, there must be a good reason.

On the other hand, an online job has no job security, You can wake up tomorrow and its all gone. Even for the freelancers, you can wake up tomorrow and your freelancer account is closed. They can just suspend your account if you violate their terms. You do not matter much to them. You do not mean much to them since there are millions other freelancers like you. Therefore you are just a statistic that they can get rid of.


Now you know What are the Advantages of 9-to-5 Jobs Over Making Money Online. If you were planning to start your career and you do not know which model to go for, now you know. If you were torn in between a 9-to-5 job and an online job, then you know which to choose.