How to earn money by liking youtube videos.
Youtube is the world’s largest video sharing and streaming platform. There is no other social media platform that has as many videos and as many users as youtube. Millions of people visit youtube on daily basis to watch videos. Some for the sake of entertainment, some to learn something and so much more. One good thing about youtube is that the youtube content owners have the chance to make money with their youtube content. That is you can get paid to post videos on youtube. However, this is not the case for the users, the people watching them. That’s why we are here to teach you how to earn money by liking youtube videos.
We are going to teach you how you can keep watching the same youtube videos that you have been watching and earn money after liking them. That’s not all because you can do all this for free. You do not need any money to do this. All you need is a millionformula account and your gmail account. With these two you can start watching and liking. Every time you watch a video and you find it interesting, just leave a like and we will pay you for it.
Also read Make money watching youtube videos.
All these activities happen here at millionformula. We will provide you with so many youtube videos from youtubers around the world. It is upon you to choose the ones that you think or find interesting and watch them. The videos are of all kinds and all sorts. Thus you will never lack videos to watch.
You too can buy youtube likes for your video by going to our sales website mediageneous.
Step by step guide to earn money by liking youtube videos.
- Go to our registration page.
- Fill out the registration form and fill the re-captcha.
- Click on the register button. Then we will send you an OTP through your email ID. After you click on the register button, we will take you to a confirmation page where you need to verify the OTP we sent you.
- After you verify the OTP, your account is ready. However, it is not signed in. Go to the login page and sign in. After sign in, you are ready to earn money by liking youtube videos.
- On the menu, click on the youtube option as shown on the image bellow.
click on the youtube option on the menu to be able to earn money by liking youtube videos. - On the drop down menu go to like videos. On this page is where you will find all the videos that require liking.
- Go ahead and start watching the videos that you find interesting. After every video that you watch, click on the like button if you loved it.
- For every youtube video that you like, our systems will detect it automatically. Once the system detects it, it will add that amount of money to your account.
Also read Make money commenting on youtube videos.
Is there a maximum limit to the number of videos you can like?
Well there is no standard set number of videos you can like. You have all the freedom to like as many as you want. The more youtube videos you like the more money you will make. This is because you get paid for each and every youtube video that you like. Each and every video carries its own unique amount of money. There are some that pay more money than others. The amount is not fixed and it depends on the advertiser. The more the advertiser pays the more you earn.
Hence this fact make most people feel the need to like as many videos as possible for the sake of making more money. However, you shouldn’t do it. This is because of a number of reasons. Firstly, when you like so many videos, you stand the risk of youtube flagging your account as a spam account. This is because their algorithm is set to take into account such activities as liking so many videos over a short time. In addition to that, if the videos are not similar to your feed/previous watch history its a cause for concern.
Also read Make money subscribing to youtube channels.
Secondly, liking so many videos that you don’t even find interesting just for the sake of money, is not good for our clients. Our customers want likes from people who actually love their content. Hence if you are only doing this for money, the client does not get the kind of audience he/she wants. Another reason that we advice you not to like so many videos is because it is against our terms.
How is it possible to get paid for liking youtube videos?
I know by now you are wondering why would someone pay me to like their videos? What do they get in return when i like their video? We all know that youtube does not pay youtubers for the likes. Youtube does not pay people when someone likes their video. Yet we are here paying you for liking the same videos. Why? The answer is quite simple. Impression. When you are on youtube and you come across a video with many videos and likes, you automatically assume that, that video is so good.
Humans by nature have this tendency to assume things easily just with one look. This is the first impression. Everyone knows that the first impression is very important. The way people perceive someone or something for the first time they see it matters a lot. Furthermore, in this case of youtube videos, the numbers are so important. The more the numbers of views and likes the better for the video and owner. The videos that have more views and likes tend to keep getting more views and likes because more people tend to click on them. And that’s how it is possible to get paid for liking youtube videos.
Also read Make money by making youtube videos for millionformula.
Our clients come to us and pay us to get likes for them. They want to have a good first impression for their videos. That is they want when people see the video, to see the many views and likes and thus they will also click on the video. Another reason why the people buy the likes is for advertising. In other words, this will promote their channel/video/ content.
How do i get paid and withdraw my money?
After every good jobs it comes to payment time right? Then in this case its the same. When you finish earning money by liking the youtube videos we will pay you. Actually one of the best things is that we will pay you immediately. We will not delay your payment. The same day that you finish and make a payout request, we will pay you.
For the payment, all you need is a paypal account. Just provide us with your paypal account as you make the request. Once we review your work, we will pay you through that paypal account. Also keep in mind that we can pay you direct to your bank through wire transfer. For this you need to provide us with your bank account number, bank name and your swift code.
Also read Make money online with YouTube.
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