Why Amazon?
Amazon is an online shopping platform. It brings two parties together. The sellers and the buyers. Any businesses in any country where amazon operates can create an account on amazon and start selling. You create a seller account on amazon, list your products and then start selling. On the other hand, the people on the internet see your products on amazon and buy them. In very short, thats how people make money with amazon.
I know many people when they hear of amazon they only thing of buying things from amazon. They almost never think of where these products come from. They never think of who is on the other side. From where are these products coming from? This is where your opportunity to make money with amazon comes from.
Now lets discuss in details all the ways you can make money online with amazon.
1. Selling physical products through Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon).
Like we have lightly discussed above, you can sell products on amazon. What you do is if you have products, you list them on amazon website and then let customers buy them. The best thing about this is that you do not have to worry about the technicalities of online commerce. You do not have to worry about the ins and outs of ecommerce. That part is taken care of by amazon. Things like online payments by customers and shipping will be fulfilled by amazon.
However, you need to note that amazon will cut their share of the transaction. Am sure you didnt think that they are providing you with all these services for free. They are in business to make money. So as you price your products, remember to include the share for amazon.

2. Dropshipping on Amazon.
The over-simplistic way of describing Dropshipping is selling products from one seller on another seller. This means that you are not own these products. You are simply a middleman. What most people do is they get products from Alibaba and sell them on amazon. The reason why they use alibaba products is because alibaba is an wholesale seller. You know B2B. Which means that you can get all kinds of products from alibaba, list them on amazon and sell. All this process can happen without having to handle the products by yourself.

The whole point is to take the products from one source either alibaba or aliexpress and markup your cut then sell it on amazon. Say for example you want to sell a tshirt from aliexpress worth $3, you list that tshirt on amazon for $4 or even $5. This means that when you sell the tshirt on amazon you will make a $1 or even $2.
3. Creating and selling private label products.
If you are a business or person with your own products, you too have an opportunity on amazon. Maybe you create art or you are an author, amazon is for you. You make your own products, list them on amazon and just sell. The best thing about your own products is that you take home the whole money. When you are selling products that you bought elsewhere, you make a smaller profit cut. Even in dropshipping, you make a smaller cut.
However, if you are selling your own products that you made, the whole money is yours. The only thing you only need to worry about is the cost of production. The cost that you incurred while making the product.

4. Retail arbitrage and wholesale sourcing.
Retail arbitrage is whereby you buy products from cheaper sellers or from cheaper sources such as discounts, then sell them for higher prices. Say for example walmart has a discount or offer, you buy many of those offer products then sell them later at higher prices. You can even buy such cheap products offline from local sellers who are selling at lower prices than online. You take it and list it on amazon for a higher price.
When it comes to wholesale sourcing, you buy the products for cheaper and then sell at higher price in retail on amazon. We all know that wholesale products are cheaper than retail prices. The wholesale sells many products in a bundle/pack and then you sell them as one product on retail. When you do the math for the cheaper wholesale prices vs costlier retail prices, you make money.

5. Publishing and selling eBooks on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
Unlike most ecommerce stores, amazon has a very special feature called amazon kindle. This service allows writers and authors to publish their books and other written products. Imagine having a publishing company on your fingertips. Right on your smartphone or laptop you can just publish your content.
Remember this service is for original content. No piracy or copied content. This means its for original writers.

6. Self-publishing audiobooks through ACX.
In addition to the amazon kindle that we have discussed above, amazon also offers a service for audio content. They have the ACX that you can you to publish your audio book and sell. These days people do not only read books but also listen to it. The authors publish audio version of their books and people listen to it. Do not miss out on such an opportunity.

7. Selling handmade goods on Amazon Handmade.
If you are a hands on producer in the sense that you make your own products, then try amazon handmade. The best thing about such services is that it has not been there for so long and not as saturated as other services. This means that the competition is lower hence higher chances of you to make the most sales hence most money.
8. Affiliate marketing with Amazon Associates.
Affiliate marketing is driving traffic to a sellers products and when the people buy, you get a percentage of the sale. Usually, you provide your audience with a link that contains your referral id and when they click it, the systems register it. Afterwards, when the customer buys, your commission is calculated.
This requires you to have a source of traffic or in other words a large audience. Say for example if you have a large social media following, you can use that as an opportunity to push your affiliate links.
9. Creating and selling online courses via Amazon.
If you are a professional, you can put your knowledge into financial income. You can create an online course and sell it on amazon. The course can be based on anything that you are good at. Believe me there is always market for anything that you are selling. The world is big the market is big so just make a good course that adds value to the people.
10. Selling digital products like stock photos, templates, or designs.
The best thing about the modern world of today is that you do not only have to sell actuall tangible products. These days there are digital products like stock photos, templates and other graphical designs. All these are things that you can sell on amazon for a pay. There are so many other digital products that you can sell on amazon. It all depends on what you are best at.
Now that you know all those many ways of How To Make Money With Amazon, it is up to you to make good use of them. What we advice is that you focus on one or two that you are good at. Do not spread yourself too thin by going for many and fail. Focus on what you are best in and master it. Surely the results will be rewarding. Remember that everything worth anything doesn’t come easy or cheap. You will need to be patient and consistent. Work on it and it will succeed eventually. All the best!