
How to Make Money with Print on Demand

What is print on demand?

Print On Demand POD is a business model whereby a manufacturer prints products such as tshirts mugs and phone cases are printed and sent to a buyer. Normally the customer is the one who places an order for these products first then the manufacturer prints and sends. Hence the name “on demand”. If you are in such line of business, we have prepared for you this article to guide you on How to Make Money with Print on Demand.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make Money with Print on Demand.

Step 1. Choose your niche.

As always, you need to know what you want to sell. This decision can be guided by your customers. Of-course you are making these products so that you can sell. Your customers are the ones who guide you on the kind of products they want.


Step 2. Find the best print on demand platform.

You need to find the best possible platform for the POD. While choosing, you need to consider facts like product quality and print capabilities. In addition to that, you need to consider factors like effective customer support and shipping services they provide.


Some of the best PODs are:

Step 3. Set Up an Online Store.

Ofcourse you need somewhere to sell your products on. These days when we talk about online store we do not necessarily mean a website. Long ago an online website was the only for you to have an online store. Unlike old days, these days you can create an online store on social media, CMS like wordpress, Platforms like shopify and so much more. Just know what is best for you. Especially a platform where you get the most traffic or is likely to.

Step 4. Design and get your products designed.

Now this is the heart of the whole process. Put your skills and talent to work and design the products that your customers want. Make sure that it is the best designs and products there can be. This is because one of the best ways to catch your customers and keep them coming is through quality. Quality will keep them coming back. In this step you also get to contact the print platform that we listed above to print it for you. This is assuming that you are not printing your own products. If you are your own printer then good for you.

Step 5. List your products on your online store.

Now with your online store and your product designs, list them online so that customers can see. Make sure that you use the best quality designs for best appearance. This is because appearance really matters to customers. A well displayed product will sell over even a better product that is not well portrayed.

Step 6. Promote and market your store and your POD products.

The key to success of all businesses in the world is marketing. The ability to get your products infront of the right audience can be the difference between selling and failing. Use all the marketing avenues at your disposal to push your shop and your products as far as possible.

Step 7. Customer service, expand and grow, diversify.

Finally when the sales start flowing in make sure that you serve your customers properly. Let your customers feel taken care of. Finally expand your business and grow. The key to sustenance of every business is growth. Keep expanding and growing. Moreover, diversify your products to reach greater markets and serve more customers.


10 of the best Print on Demand POD products to make money with.

POD Product #1. Tshirts.

One of the most common products when it comes to POD is tshirts. Literally almost everyone wears tshirts these days. Meaning billions of tshirts are sold worldwide every year. Now imagine even being able to tap into just 1% of that. Make the best designs, promote it and you can be able to tap into it.

POD Product #2. Mug, cups and drink-ware.

Many people love to have their designs printed on their mugs and other drinkware. Not just individuals but also organizations and companies. Am sure by now, you have been to some companies/businesses and seen their mugs/cups designed with their logo or emblems. That’s an opportunity you can tap into. Maybe you can contact those companies and businesses and offer to design those mugs and cups for them. In addition to that, you can even print the products and deliver to them.

POD Product #3. Sweatshirts, sweatpants and Hoodies.

Tshirts are not the only wearables you can print and sell. There are so many things that people wear that can be printed on demand. Such include Sweatshirts, sweatpants and Hoodies.

POD Product #4. Customized stationery.

Have you ever seen the stationery such as books, pencils and pens that kids use? You know the small kids in kindergarten and lower classes? It contains a lot of imagery and art. That too is an opportunity for you to print for them.

POD Product #5. Sticker and decal.

Many people have a lot of decorations in their houses. Many people love art in their houses and homes. Am sure you have also seen people with all kinds of stickers on their cars and refrigerators. That too is an opportunity to become their designer and supplier

POD Product #6. Phone cases.

Actually over the recent past phone cases have become one of the most bought product in the world. This is because smartphones have taken over the world. Billions of people have bought smartphones over the recent past. One of the biggest issues with smartphones is the fact that when they fall, they crack the screen. Hence why everyone with a smartphone needs a phone casing. Make that your target to be the print go-to guy for them.

POD Product #7. Face masks and accessories.

Like recently we had the CORONA pandemic and everyone was wearing face masks. Actually still now some people are still wearing the masks. The face masks market is still ripe. Make yourself the center of anyone who wants a custom mask printed for him/her.

POD Product #8. Tech Accessories like Laptop bags.

Tech is everywhere these days. So is tech accessories such as laptop bags, special mice, custom keyboards, custom housing for desktops and so much more. The tech accessories are literally endless.

POD Product #9. Customized bags, handbags, pouches and totes.

These days fashion is moving too fast and what has caught on  is things like pouches even for men. Long ago pouches were only for women but these days everyone is carrying them. Position yourself as the main designer and printer of the bags, handbags, pouches for them.

POD Product #10. All other kinds of merchandise.

We literally cant go through all the things that can be printed on demand. Thus it is upon you to identify what is the most common POD products in your community and design and print them.