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How to Make Money Online (Part 2)

Hi, welcome again to yet another value-parked article. Today we are continuing with the same multipart series article about How to Make Money Online. This one will be Part 2. In the first part, we talked about Freelancing, Selling Digital Products, Affiliate Marketing, Blogging and Content Creation. Those were the first 5 methods of making money online that we talked about. If you did not read that first part read it here How to Make Money Online (Part 1).
Now lets continue with part two of this series.
Tutor Me Education
Tutor Me Education.

Method #6. Online Tutoring & Teaching.

The 6th method that you can use to make money online is online tutoring and teaching. If you want to read about this in detail, read our previous article here Make Money with Online Tutoring. In this article, we will touch lightly on how can do it. To become an online tutor or teacher, first go to any of the following websites.

Once you go there, create your account. Then optimize your profile so as to win  the most bids. Update your portfolio to show people all the other students you have taught. After you do that then create your courses. Set your rates for your courses. Start looking for clients to teach. You will need to promote and market your profile to get more clients.

Method #7. Dropshipping & E-commerce.

If you are a sales person or you know how to sell things, then this is for you. And don’t worry even if you do not have your own products to sell. With dropshipping, you can sell products without inventory. In simple terms, you can sell other people’s products and make money for it. Yes you sell products that belong to other people and you earn for it. So how do you do it?

Go to a dropshipping website of your choice. You can try any of the ones listed below.

  1. Dropship.
  2. Spocket.
  3. AliDropship.
  4. Modalyst.
  5. SaleHoo.
  6. Zendrop.
  7. Trendsi.
  8. Inventory Source.

After you go to that website, create your account. Then go to the products page and choose the products that you want to sell. Download the images of the products that you want to sell. Note that some dropshipping platforms have a problem with the images. They might have copyright issues with the product images. Hence check their terms before using their images.

Now that you have images, go to your platform and post the products as if you are the one selling them. Let the customers buy the products from you. After the people buy from you, you go to the dropshipping platform and buy the product. When you buy it, enter the address of your customer so that it can be delivered to him/her.

If you want to understand deeper about dropshipping, you can read this How to Make Money with Dropshipping.

Method #8. Stock Market & Crypto.

This is another method that you can use to make money online. However, unlike those other methods that we have discussed before this, this one requires investment. Or in other terms stock markets and crypto require initial capital. Thus you cannot just start it with no money at all. For stock markets, you need to visit sites like NYSE to check and see the best performing stocks. Once you find these best performing shares, then go ahead and buy them.

Stock trading can sound easy and simple but if you are serious about doing it you might need to take some lessons. Remember, even though stock trading is safer than gambling, there is always risk. You can gain or loose. You can make money or loose money. Hence why we advise you to take a class for it.

With that in mind, we will give you a quick guide on how it works. So how does it all work? When you expect the value of a certain company to rise, you buy into it. Technically speaking, when you expect the shares of a certain company to rise, you buy them. In stock markets, they call that a call trade. Contrary to that, if you expect the value of a company(shares) to fall, then you sell it. You sell now so that when the value falls, you will not loose. To go a step farther, you can even earn from the fall. How is that? If you expect the value of a given shares to fall, you can buy against it. This is called a PUT trade. Now you have some basics of how stock trading works.

We made another article about crypto here How To Make Money With Cryptocurrency.

Method #9. Remote Jobs.

When we talk about remote jobs, it involves a whole lot of jobs. When it comes to remote jobs, there are so many opportunities that you can try. Earlier, we made an article talking about Remote Jobs. Some of the remote jobs that we mentioned on that article are:

  • Job #1. Software Developers (Front-end, Back-end, Full-stack).
  • Job #2. Web Developers.
  • Job #3. Graphic design.
  • Job #4. SEO Specialists (On-page, Off-page, Technical SEO).
  • Job #5. Social Media Managers.
  • Job #6. Outsourced Remote Jobs such as Customer Service & Support.
  • Job #7. Writing & Content Creation jobs like Copywriters, Bloggers, Technical Writers, Ghostwriters, Scriptwriters, Editors & Proofreaders.
  • Job #8. Sales Representatives & Lead Generation Specialists.
  • Job #9. Data Entry Remote Jobs.
  • Job #10. Translation jobs.

That’s just a short list of the so many possible remote jobs. Just choose the one of your choice and go for it. If you need any farther guidance on any of them, just visit this previous article Remote Jobs.

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Buy. Park. Sell. Domains Sedo – World’s leading Domain marketplace.

Method #10. Domain Flipping.

Domain flipping is when you buy/register a domain at a lower price improve it then sell it later at a higher price. Lets break this down. You know what is a domain; the identity of every website on the internet such as ours is So you can go to any registrar of your choice and register it. Similarly, you can go to any of the domain name sellers and buy any domain you want.

Now that you have your domain, you start improving it. How do you improve it? You can build a website for it and write great content that will improve its SEO and even rank on google. Another way that you can improve the domain is building backlinks to it. After you improve the domain, you can sell it at high price for the value you have added to it.

Other than improving the domain, you can buy domains that are very popular. For example domains about cryptocurrency are very popular. This means that at some point there will be someone who comes to buy the domain. When that person comes to buy it, then you can sell it to them at a high price.

Some of the websites that you can use to make money with flipping domains include:


This marks the end of our second part of this multipart series article about How to Make Money Online. Come back again tomorrow for the third part.