How to get paid to comment on instagram
How to get paid to comment on instagram

How to get paid to comment on instagram

How to get paid to comment on instagram

If you are an instagram user who is fond of posting comments, now you have a chance to make money for it. In this article we are going to teach you how to get paid to comment on instagram right here at millionformula. What is best about this is that you do not need any money for it. You do not need to invest or pay any money to do it. It is absolutely free to join participate and earn. All you need is your millionformula account and your instagram account.

To read more about this and take part, go to Make money commenting on instagram posts.

Another good thing about this is that its very easy. Nothing complicated about it. Just the same things that you normally do on instagram is what you will do here. The same way that you comment on instagram is how you will comment here. Don’t worry about it because we will give you a step by step guide on how to do it all. Just make sure before that, you have an instagram account that you normally use. However, if you don’t have one already, you can register it account here.

Also read Make money liking instagram posts.

Step by step guide on how to get paid to comment on instagram.

  1. the first thing that you need to do is go to our registration page and register a new account. This is for those who don’t have a millionformula account already. If you have an account already, just go to our login page and continue with step 4 bellow.
  2. On the registration page, fill out the form about your information. Don’t worry, we do not ask for so much information about you. We only ask for your email and name. After that check the terms and privacy button hopping that you have read it. Fill in the recaptcha and click on register.
  3. When you click on the register button, we will send a confirmation email with OTP in your email for you to use to confirm your account. Simultaneously, we will also take you to another page where you need to fill in the the OTP that we sent you to your email. Once you fill in the OTP, your account will be ready.
  4. Next go to our login page and sign in to your new account using the new details you registered with. At this point you can start checking instagram posts and commenting on them.
  5. To do this go to our instagram posts comments program by clicking this link. On this page you will find so many instagram posts listed for you to choose from. Choose the ones that you find interesting and read or watch and if you like is then comment on it.
  6. We will pay you for each and every instagram post that you comment on. The more you comment the more money you will earn. That’s how you get paid to comment on instagram.

Also read Make money following instagram users.

What are the things that you shouldn’t do?

Like you already know, there is no job on the planet that doesn’t have rules and conditions. This is not an exception. This job too has rules that you need to follow as you write the comments. This is because as we would love to create an opportunity for you to make money, we also want to provide the best quality comments for the clients. In addition to that, we do not want our practices to be in violation of instagram terms and conditions. We do not want, what we let you do here be considered as spam activities by instagram. Therefore you understand that we have to put in place some regulations to keep things in balance.

First, do not comment on so many posts aimlessly in a very short while. What we mean by this is that do not go on a spree of posting countless comments on any and every post that you come across just for money. You get paid for commenting on each and every instagram post. Hence do not feel the need to comment on so many in order to get paid. We will pay you even if you comment on only one post. Secondly, do not copy and keep pasting the same comment on many other posts. Each and every comment that you post needs to be unique to that post. Repeating comments is against our terms and conditions.

Also read Make money commenting on youtube videos.

All comments that you make here needs to be long. One word or two words comments are nor welcome here. Every comment that you make needs to be long and relevant to the post. You should go through/read the instagram post before posting the comment. In addition to that, you should only comment for the posts that are of your language especially for posts that require reading/listening. Otherwise how would you comment if you don’t know what the post is all about?

How much money can you make for commenting on the instagram posts?
How much money can you make for commenting on the instagram posts?

How much money can you make for commenting on the instagram posts?

The amount of money you can get paid to comment on instagram posts depends on various factors. In other words all comments that you make will not pay you the same amount of money. There are some posts that will pay you more than others. These differences are brought about by the clients. Some clients are ready to pay more for the comments than others. This is because we give the clients the freedom to pay whatever money they want above ours standard set minimum.

We set a minimum of $0.5 as the least money you can earn for the comments. Thus, for any comment that you post, you have the guarantee that you will receive at least 0.5 dollars. The more you comment the more money you will make. However, this is not the only amount of money you will make because the clients are free to pay more than that $0.5. However high the client pays is how high you will earn.

Also read Make money commenting on twitter posts.

Does instagram pay people for comments?

NO. Instagram does not pay people for comments. They do not pay the instagram users. Similarly they do not pay the post owner for the people commenting on their posts. This is interesting to ask because someone who is not familiar with instagram and how it works might not understand. What you need to know is that instagram does not make money from comments. When a person writes a comment on instagram, it does not make money for the instagram, nor post owner, nor the person commenting.

Such activities like comments are meant for the people to interact with posts on instagram and not to make money. Thus the next time do not expect to get paid when you comment on instagram. Similarly, do not assume that yo are making instagram richer or the post owner. The only way that you get paid for commenting on instagram is if you do it here at millionformula.

Also read Make money commenting on facebook posts.

Does the instagram comments count matter?
Does the instagram comments count matter?

Does the instagram comments count matter?

There are two ways we can answer that question. First, if you are asking for the instagram user who is just commenting, it doesn’t matter at all. On the other hand, if you are asking for the instagram post owner, YES, the instagram comments count matter. The count matter for IG user because of two main reasons. First, instagram algorithm. IG algorithm is made in such a way that it gives more value to posts that get more likes and comments. This is called user engagement. The more the user engagement a post has, the more algorithm values it.

When the algorithm values your post more, it will promote it more and show it to more people. This is very beneficial for the instagram post owner. The second reason why post comments count matter is because of public perception. This is the first impression that people get when they see your post. When people see a post that has more likes and comments, they easily assume that the post is so good. They also feel compelled to click on it and watch it or read it. This also makes them feel the need to like it and comment on it too. Hence more comments attract more comments.

You too can promote your instagram posts by buying comments from our sales website mediageneous.

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