What is Paid video viewing system?
A paid video viewing system is a platform that allows you to watch a video and pays you for watching that video. That is they provide you with many videos of all kinds, then you watch them and they pay you for watching them. This is somewhat similar to youtube where you watch or stream videos but now they are paying you. In most cases the more videos you watch the more they pay you. In other cases the longer you watch the more they pay you. The videos that you watch are of all different kinds. From entertainment, to educational, to informative, to all other kinds. The videos type depends on the advertisers.
The good news is that you too can join such a system today and start watching videos as you get paid by going to Make money watching youtube videos with millionformula. The good thing is that anyone can join and its free. No one is charging you anything. You can watch as many videos as you want for as long as you want and earn money for as long as you want. This is our very own paid video viewing system that will pay you for each and every video that you watch. Click on that page above to learn more and join.
What are the different types of paid video viewing systems?
As of now, there are two main paid video viewing systems that exist. This categorization is according to the type of videos they provide you and the purpose of those videos.
1. PTC
PTC means Paid To Click. As the description goes, you are paid to click on the videos or links or advertisements. Mostly like everyone has always known paid to click websites are for advertisements. These are the websites that pay you to click on advertisements. Whether its a video ad or a banner ad or a text advertisement, the PTC will pay you for that. However, we can’t call it a paid video viewing system if it involves banner ads, text ads and other non-video ads. Therefore, when a website decides to show only videos advertisements, then we can refer to it as a paid video viewing system. If you want to join such a system go to Make money by clicking and viewing ads(advertisements) which is our very own system.
2. Promotion
The second type of paid video viewing system is the kind where the videos are just for the purpose of promoting or improving the popularity of the video owner. Mostly these videos come from social media users who want to promote their social media accounts and their content. By making many people from allover the world watch their videos, they will get many people to know about them. The more people who know about them, the more publicity they get. In this way they are able to promote their content and their channels/accounts.
Such examples of the people who use these services are the youtubers, facebook users, instagram users, twitter users and any other social media users who want to promote their videos. You too can promote your social media videos by going to our sales website mediageneous. To join such a program where you watch social media videos and get paid for it go to, Make money watching facebook videos.

How different is paid video viewing system from YouTube?
Both of these two systems have a lot of similarities. The first and the main being that they are both video streaming sites. They both provide you with videos to watch. However the main difference is the purpose of the two systems. Youtube is for entertainment purposes whereas the paid video viewing systems are mainly for promotional purposes. Youtube does not give you the viewers the chance to make money for watching the videos. On the other hand, the paid systems pay you for watching the videos.
Youtube is a free platform where anyone can post their videos and get views. The option to create a channel and upload the videos is freely available to everyone. On the other hand, the paid systems do not allow you to create a channel and upload videos freely. Most of these systems require you to pay money to be able to upload your videos.
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How do you get paid for viewing the videos?
There are two main ways that you get paid for viewing the videos. First, is per video. This means that these systems pay you per every video that you watch. Thus the more videos you watch the more money you earn. Hence its all about the video count. The number of videos you watch. The more the better.
The second way that they pay you is per time. This is the amount of time that you spend watching these videos. The longer the better. The longer you watch the more money they pay you. This does not depend on the number of videos. You can watch one video for one hour and earn $50 which is different from watching 50 videos for $50. In most cases, for these kind of systems, they have a time counter that constantly shows you the amount of time you have watched. The timer stops when you stop watching and continues when you resume watching.
Also read Make money online with YouTube.
What are examples of paid video viewing systems?
Millionformula is a good example of a paid video viewing system. With us you can get paid to watch facebook, youtube and tiktok videos. You can click on any of those links to go to the program and watch participate in them. Thus you can earn with facebook, youtube and tiktok videos. All these we will provide you with here at millionformula. All you need is an account for that specific social media. Everything is free. You do not need to pay for anything.

How do these paid video viewing systems work?
Its very simple. There are three parties involved. The system, the client and the viewers. The system is the website/the platform where the whole magic happens. This is the platform where the clients buy the video views in order to promote their content and channels. The viewers are the people watching. In this case its you. You go to these systems so that you can watch these videos and get paid for it. When you watch the videos, the client gets the views they want in exchange for that you get money. Such a self-satisfactory system.
Also read Make money subscribing to youtube channels.
Where do the videos come from?
For free streaming platforms like youtube, these videos come from people from around the world. Anyone is free to upload the videos just by the use of their channel. However, for the paid video viewing systems, its a little different. Everyone is not free to upload videos. In most cases the system owners are the ones that provide these videos. In such cases, these systems provide their clients with the opportunity to pay for them to promote their videos. When the clients pay, then the system owner uploads the video to the platform so that the viewers can be able to see.
A few systems like us, have a platform/website where anyone from around the world can freely buy views for their videos. With this, you do not need to contact us. You just go to that site and checkout the service that you want and just buy for yourself. As soon as you finish buying whatever views you want for whatever video, it will appear immediately on our system. For example lets say you buy youtube video views from mediageneous. As soon as you buy, you can come to millionformula youtube videos section and you will find your video in the list. Hence people can be able to see it and watch it.
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Who pays for these videos?
The video owners are the ones that pay for the videos. In most cases these are the social media users who want to promote their content and channels/accounts. In other words they are advertising their content and channels/accounts in this method. When the people watch their videos they get the publicity they want. That’s one of the ways that they pay for it.
The second party that pays for these videos is advertisers who want you to see their ads. These are strictly advertisers and are most likely not interested in social media accounts promotion. Their videos are strictly ads and not vlogs like the social media users. Their videos are short and straight to the point. They are purposefully meant to promote their products and services just like they would in a TV ad or any other kind of ads.
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How much money can you earn from these systems?
The amount of money that you can earn from these systems depends on a number of things. Hence we can’t just give you a specific number that this is the fixed price for everyone. Some will pay you more than others. This difference is brought about by factors like the video length, longer videos pay more. The client of the views. There are some clients that will pay you more than others even for similar videos. Another factor that affects is the source of the video. By this we mean that youtube videos pay a different amount than facebook and tiktok. There are some platforms that will earn you more than others.
Another factor that affects the amount of money that you will make for viewing these videos is the type of video. PTC videos pay different amount of money than just social media videos. In most cases, PTC videos pay more money than social media videos. This is because their main purpose is advertisement. To give you a perspective of how much money you can earn through these paid video viewing systems, payment per view can average around $0.5.
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