How to earn money by posting comments.
Today we are going to talk about how to earn money by posting comments online. Am sure if you are reading this you already know what a comment is and you have at least posted one before. If you haven’t, then i believe you know how to do it. Because it is very simple.
You too can buy your own comments for your post by going to our sales website mediageneous.
Is simple because all you need to do is click on the form and type whatever is in your mind and after you finish click on the comment button. That’s how it works on almost all social media platforms and similarly, that’s how it works here at millionformula.
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We will provide you with so many social media posts that need comments. What you need to do is go through these posts and leave a comment. The comment should be an expression of your thoughts and believes about the post in question.
These posts are from the various social media platforms that you are already used to. These include youtube, instagram, facebook, twitter, tiktok and soundcloud. It is upon you to choose the social media platform of your choice and go with it. For example if you choose youtube, you just go to our youtube comments program and choose the videos that you like and comment on them.
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You are free to use as many social media platforms as you want. Even if its all of them, you can use all of them.
What are the requirements of these comments?

Something that you might realize is that all these comments are not ours alone. What we mean by that is that all these posts that you are commenting on are not for millionformula alone. Most of these posts come from different people from around the world. They belong to many different people out there. Therefore it goes without saying that quality is if of most important.
We have to provide these clients with the best quality comments there is. When they buy the comments from us they should feel the confidence that they will get good quality services. That’s why we have these conditions bellow for you to follow.
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List of the comments requirements.
- Each and every comment that you post must be genuine and honest. Posting ill motivated comments will land you in trouble. Our clients do not want comments that are aimed at attacking their content or their social media account or any other ill motives.
- The comment must be long. One word or two words comments like “nice video” are not welcome. You should always post long comments. The comment should always be at least 200 characters or 20 words long. However, you do not need to worry about that because our systems will guide you as you make the comments. Our system will let you know when your achieve these minimum characters.
- Only comment after watching/viewing/reading the video/post. Just clicking on the post/video and then posting the comment without watching/reading is also against our terms. This is because you need to know what you are commenting about.
- That leads us to our number 4 requirement that the comments must be relevant to the post. The comment that you post must be relevant to the video/post that you are commenting about. We do not want to see automated repetitive comments. You know like you write one comment then you paste it on all the posts/videos that you come across. Only comment after you watch/read the post to make sure that you know what you are talking about.
- You should not post comments motivated by motives like racism, bigotry, hate, terrorism, extremism, religion or ethnicity.
- Avoid duplicating comments. Once you post a comment on any post, you cannot repeat the same comment on another post again.
- Do not use fake or inactive social media accounts to post the comments here. This means that for example if you are posting a facebook comment, you should use your usual fb account that you normally use. You cannot just use a fake account or just create one only for the purpose of posting these comments.
- Do not delete the comments after you post them. Once you post a comment on any post here at millionformula, it should stay that way. You cannot go to your private social media account and delete the comment that you posted here. For example, after you post an instagram comment, you can go to your instagram account and delete it later. Hence why we say that you should not go on a spree of posting as many comments as you can. Only post comments that you are sure of. So that you do not feel the need to delete them later.
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What are the social media programs that you can use to post the comments and earn money?

Like we mentioned in the beginning, these posts are of different social media platforms. That is they come from various social media platforms. Bellow are the social media you can use to post the comments and earn money.
1. Commenting on youtube.

If you are a youtube user, you can earn money by posting comments on youtube videos. All you need is your millionformula account and your gmail account. You can register a gmail account easily by going to google. For our account you can just register by going to our registration page.
Once you have these two accounts, sign in to millionformula, then sign in with google to millionformula again. After you sign in, go to our youtube comments program and start commenting on the videos.
You too can buy your youtube comments by going to our sales page at mediageneous.
2. Post comments on twitter.

If you are a twitter user, then you too can make money by posting comments on twitter posts. These are the twitter posts that we will provide you with. Just go through them and comment on the ones that you want. First you will need to sign in to our website and then you will need to sign in with twitter to millionformula.
Once you sign in go to our twitter comments program and start commenting.
You too can buy your own twitter comments by going to our sales page at mediageneous.
3. Posting comments on facebook.

You too facebook users are not left out. All you need is your millionformula account and your facebook account. Keep in mind that it should be your usual fb account that you normally use. An active account. Once you have these two accounts, just sign in to our systems then sign in with your facebook account to our system again.
Once you sign in you can go to our facebook comments program and start commenting on the posts of your choice.
You too can buy your fb comments by going to our fb comments sales page at mediageneous.
4. Commenting on instagram.
For instagram users, you can earn money by commenting on IG posts by signing in to your millionformula account. Then signing in again with your instagram accounts. Once you do that just go to our instagram comments program and start commenting on the posts of your choice.
You too can buy your own ig comments by going to our sales website.
5. Tiktok videos.
Tiktok users you too are not left out. You too can earn money by posting comments on tiktok videos. These are the same videos that you watch on tiktok. We will avail them here on our website for you to choose from and start watching from. When you choose them click on the video and watch it. When you watch it and feel that its worth your comment then leave it a comment.
To do this just go to our tiktok comments program and start watching as you comment on the ones that you want.
You too can buy your own tiktok comments at mediageneous.
6. Soundcloud audio.
You can also earn money by posting comments on soundcloud audio. You get to listen to the soundcloud music or podcasts that you love and still earn money for it. Imagine getting paid to have fun for the things that you normally do for free. To do this just sign in to millionformula with your soundcloud account. Then go to our soundcloud comments program and start listening as you comment.
You too can buy your own soundcloud comments by going to our sales website mediageneous.
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