How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing
How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is promoting and selling products from affiliate sources and you get paid a commission. Usually, you sign up for an account with some of the most popular affiliate websites like:

Once you sign up and get your account. Go to the affiliate products page. Select the affiliate products that you want to promote. Get the affiliate links to those products and start promoting them. When people click on your links and go to the sellers website, you get paid for the traffic. If those people actually buy, then you get paid the commission for the product. In short, you promote products, make sales, make money.

Now lets go through the step-by-step guide on how to make money with affiliate marketing.

Step 1: Choose Your Niche.

Ofcourse the first step of every process is to know what you want. You need to know what you are best in. You cannot promote all products that exist. Narrow down to a specific product or a few specific products. This decision will be guided by your audience or your target customers. If your audience or target customers are fans of video games, then promote videogames or videogame products to them. Hence you stand to sell more to your audience if it is a targeted product than a general product.

Step 2: Find Affiliate Programs.

After you finish selecting your niche, the next step is to find the best affiliate program to enroll. One of the guides to choose an affiliate program is your niche. The affiliate program that you join needs to be providing the products of your niche. This is because not all affiliate programs provide all kinds of products. Of-course yes,some affiliate programs provide all kinds of products but others are specific to certain niches. Also remember that some of these affiliate programs only specialize on digital products while others sell actual tangible products.

Some of the affiliate programs you can try are:

Step 3: Build an Online Presence.

How do you sell the products? You cannot just sit in your basement doing nothing and expect the sales to flow in. You need to get these products out there to the people. Therefore, let people know that you are selling something. Hence put this information infront of as many people as possible. Get as many people to buy your products as possible.

How do you do that? You do this by creating online presence. Create profiles such as social media profiles and other online platforms. In addition to that you can also create a blog or even a website. You simply need to have online presence. Thus make some noise online.

Actually, we expect that before you can begin affiliate marketing you already have online presence. Believe me, the hardest part of affiliate marketing is the actual marketing part. That is getting as many people as possible to see your products. Therefore, if you have no online presence or following, i can assure you that your affiliate journey will be a very difficult one.

Step 4: Drive Traffic to your affiliates.

Like we have mentioned above, marketing is the toughest part of affiliate marketing. Actually anyone can do affiliate marketing with a large social media following. Anyone with a large audience or a lot of publicity can do affiliate marketing. Why is that? Affiliate marketing is all about putting your products infront of as many people as possible. Actually this is a game of probabilities. Thus for every 100 people that you show your products to, there is a probability that atleast one or two people will buy. Thus the more the people who you have access to the more the probability of making sales. Someone who can make a video/post and get 5 million views, then he/she can make a lot of sales. The more the views the more the sales.

Actually this is the stage that separates affiliate marketing failures from successes. Those with large audiences will succeed and those with small following will fail.

Step 5. Earn For the Traffic.

Some affiliate programs will not only pay you for the sales but also for the traffic. Lets break it down. Not every person who clicks your link will buy. Actually a majority of those who click your link will not buy anything. The percentage that buys is a very small percentage. When you drive traffic to a certain affiliate website, they get a lot of marketing and publicity from the people that you send. Even if those people do not buy, they still will get the marketing from the traffic. Some of those affiliate websites even run ads which means they make money from the ads. Hence why some of these affiliate programs will pay you for the traffic even if you don’t make sales.

You need to check site by site to make sure whichever you choose actually pays you for the traffic. This is because not all affiliate programs pay for traffic. So you have to check by yourself and confirm that they will pay you for the traffic.

Step 5. Earn the affiliate sale commissions.

The best and  the biggest way of making money with affiliate marketing is the commissions. The amount of money you make from the traffic is very low. The amount per a click is very small. Actually in order for you to make any significant money with traffic, it has to be in the tune of thousands. However, when it comes to the commission, its a different ball game. You can make a whole lot of money with the commission.

Please note that you only get paid commission only after a sale. The commissions are only affiliated with a successful sale. When the people you send actually buy something, then you get paid a commission of that sale. The commission percentages range from anywhere from 1% to even 75% depending on the owners of the products.

The prices of the products too vary. The higher the price the more the commission you will get. However the higher the price, the more difficult it is to sell the product. That is in addition to the fact that expensive products don’t sell as much as cheap products.

On the other hand, cheap products are easier to sell. In addition to that, you can sell a whole lot of cheap products. You are more likely to sell a cheap product than an expensive product. However, the down side of cheap products is that the amount of commission you make is very small.

Step 6. Scale and Grow.

Now that you have started earning as from steps 4 and 5 above, it is time to scale up your affiliate marketing business and grow. Do not spend all the money that you make from your affiliate marketing. Use some of that money to expand. A good business is always growing. A good businessperson gives back to the business. Use some of that money to market your business to new markets and drive more sales.


We will stop there as we do not want to make this article very long. We meant to make it short and precise so that you do not have to spend a lot of time reading. Spend more time making money.  Now you know How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing.