Million Formula

Make money online by designing business cards

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Earn dollars to your account by designing business cards

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Design business cards as a freelancer.

Would you like to have a freelance career as a graphics designer? Would you like to make money online by designing business cards? Then you have come to the right place. You can design business cards as a freelance designer here at millionformula. You can do this from wherever you are in the world. Millionformula is not employing you to sit in some offices somewhere designing the business cards. You will be free to do it from wherever you are. All you need is your graphics designing skills, a millionformula account and a computer. On your millionformula profile we will provide you with limitless business cards to design. You get paid for each and every business card you design. Each and every business card carries its own amount of money. They all don't pay the same amount of money. There are some that pay more than others.

The online profile we provide you, also provides you with the chance to design the business cards online. We have online graphics designing software that you can use to design the business cards. You can use this software to design the cards online here at millionformula. You will have an anonymous line of communication with the client so that he/she can guide you. As soon as you finish the business card you can submit it for the client to see. On the other hand, you can design the business card offline on your computer. This way you need to have a graphics designing software in your account. With it design the business card and after you finish, upload the finished design online to your millionformula profile so that the client can access it. As soon as the client accepts the business card you will get paid.

How to get started.

To get started as a business card designer here at millionformula you will need to be a qualified graphics designer. You need to have experience in designing the business cards. Our clients require top notch quality business cards by our best designers. This is what we are going to provide them with. Hence you need to be a qualified graphics designer. With this in mind, go ahead and join millionformula by creating a new account on our registration page. This is free, easy and will only take you a minute. With your new account, sign in and head over to our business cards designing program. Join the program and submit scan copies of your certificates.

These are academic certificates that you got for a degree or diploma in graphics designing or related career. In addition to that, if you have been or have designed with any other online website before then provide us with the link to the website. We need these certificates and the online profile to help us prove that you are a qualified graphics designer. However if you do not have the certificates and the online profile, don't worry because you can still design the business cards with us. All you will need to do it design some test business cards to prove that you are qualified. Our team will provide you with these test designs. You should design the test business cards and after you finish, submit them for evaluation. After a successful evaluation you will be free to design for our clients.


How to earn money online by designing business cards.

How to Make money online by designing business cards at millionformula.

All you need is to register a millionformula account and then go ahead and enlist for millionformula business cards designing. To register your millionformula account and get going just follow the steps bellow.

  1. Click here to register new account.
    Hint! It is easiest and quickest to register a millionformula account by just login with google. Just one click and you are done.
  2. On the registration page fill all your information, check to agree with our terms and conditions (hoping you have already read our terms and conditions) Verify that you are not a robot and then click on register.
  3. You will receive a verification code in your email inbox (if you don’t find the verification email in your inbox check the junk/spam box). Verify your email with the link.
  4. Login into your millionformula account with your new username and password. Now you are ready to earn money online for designing business cards.
  5. Click here to go to millionformula business cards designing page and enroll for the program.
  6. After you signup for the millionformula business cards designing go ahead and start designing. When you submit your first designs we will make manual reviews to make sure that you are up to standards.
  7. Once we approve your designs we will pay you right away. We will make manual reviews for your first five designs after which if you qualify you can continue designing without the need for manual review. Keep building your profile to win more gigs for designing and earn more money.

How much money can I make for designing business cards at millionformula?

There a number of factors that affect the amount of money you can make here at millionformula by designing the business cards. Such factors include:

Number of business cards you design

Like we mentioned earlier, millionformula will pay you for each and every business card that you design. Each and every business card pays you a unique amount of money. There is no limit to the number of business cards you can design. Hence you are free to design as many as you want. This goes without saying that you have no limit to the amount of money you can make. Therefore you can design as many business cards you want and earn as much money as you want. The more you design the more money you make.

Business card client

These are the customers that pay us to design the business cards for them. millionformula gives these clients the freedom to pay whatever they want. However we have a minimum limit bellow which we do not allow the clients to pay. Above this minimum limit you and the client have the freedom to bargain on the amount that the client will pay. The bargaining is for the designers who rank higher. For the low ranking and the new clients, you will have to take the price that is provided. You normally design the business cards listed on our general list. For this general list the clients are still free to pay any amount of money that they wish to.

Other than the clients will to pay more money, there are other factors that require the clients to pay more money. For example, if the clients includes so many conditions, specifications and demands, then the client will have to pay more for the design. This is because the more the conditions and specifications, the more time it will take to design the business card. This calls for a bigger pay for the designer. In addition to that, if the client wants a top designer to design his/her business card, then the client has to pay more for the design. The top ranking designers charge more for the designs than the lower ranking designers.


Design business cards for money.


  1. Refrain from cancellations. Once you start designing a certain item you need to do it to completion. Cancellations are discouraged.
  2. Meet the deadlines. We are working with clients that are on the clock. So if you confirm that you will finish a certain job at a certain date and time make sure that you do.
  3. Meet the customers needs. The designs that you make should be exactly as the customer asks. We will give you specifications for each and every design before you start designing it. You can even establish a direct anonymous communication with the client to make sure that you meet their demands.
Get paid to design cards.

Your business cards designs earnings.

Our systems tracks all the work you do here at millionformula to make sure that its accounted for. You get paid for each and every business card you design. When you complete the business cards successfully, our systems adds the amount accrued to your account. The accrued money is the amount that the specific business card will pay you. Each and every business card has its own unique accrued money. We show you all the accrued money on each and business card before you can even start designing it. Millionformula set a standard minimum limit of $30 for each and every business card.

Each and every client should pay at least this $30 or more. No client can pay less than this. Therefore we assure you that you will earn at least $30 for any card. However this $30 is not the only amount of money you will make for designing the business cards. This is because the $30 is only the minimum limit and not the fixed nor the maximum amount. Hence the clients are free to pay you whatever they want above the minimum limit. Our systems will sum up all your earnings on your business cards designs page.

Payment and withdrawal

Millionformula minimum payout request limit is $20. As soon as you attain this $20, just make a payout request. This is a request that to our payments department informing them that you have attained this limit and want to get paid. As soon as you make the request, we will make a manual review of your activities at millionformula as you design the business cards. This is to make sure that you are following our guidelines for quality control purposes.

As soon as the manual review is over, the team will send your money to your PAYPAL account. Hence you need to have a paypal account to get paid. Moreover, you need to update your payment details on your account before applying for the payment. However, if you cant access paypal, don't worry because we can still pay you through wire transfer. You will only need to provide us with your bank name, bank account number and swift code of the bank.

Can I hire a business card designer?

YES. Millionformula is one of the best sites to get your business card designed for you. This is because we have the best designers you can get. Designers with years of experience and specifically in business cards designs. That's not all because we also have the best prices you can find. Our services are quiet affordable and furthermore we give you the opportunity to bargain for the price with the designer. This way you and the designer can settle on the price that befits you both. You will also have a direct anonymous line of communication to guide the designer to design your business card how you want it. Just go to our sales website mediageneous to hire your business card designer.