Social media marketing manager

Price: $500 - $1000
Mode of payment: Fixed price
Pre-Funded: $0.00
Bid Status: Closed This employer is not yet verified
Posted: 2 Year(s) ago
Category: Social media
Sub-Category: Social Media Assistance
Estimated Duration: More than 3 months
Freelancer Country: Worldwide
Location: Remote
Language Requirement: English
Experience level:
No. of Proposals: 0
Price: $500 - $1000
Mode of payment: Fixed price
Pre-Funded: $0.00
Bid Status: Closed This employer is not yet verified


Hello my name is Mikay. I am 20 years old. I live somewhere in Manila and I want to find a job, a social media manager or any social media's jobs about. Hope i can passed this online job and i willing to work from home. I know i don't have any experience yet but i want to learn more. I just want to work while studying, this is a part time job so i can do well in this job. Im still finding a home based job but those applications that i dont have so it's really hard for me, and i heard this social media manager from my friends and they say it's good job for me. And i knew that this is a good too because i always saw this from a tiktok platform and so many people interested to work from this job. I can do everything and promise gonna do my job better. Woah it's really hard to put it in a words because its a have a minimum pf words so how can i make this long. But i just hope im gonna pass this job. This is what im looking for. It's really my need. Thank you so much! Hello my name is Mikay. I am 20 years old. I live somewhere in Manila and I want to find a job, a social media manager or any social media's jobs about. Hope i can passed this online job and i willing to work from home. I know i don't have any experience yet but i want to learn more. I just want to work while studying, this is a part time job so i can do well in this job. Im still finding a home based job but those applications that i dont have so it's really hard for me, and i heard this social media manager from my friends and they say it's good job for me. And i knew that this is a good too because i always saw this from a tiktok platform and so many people interested to work from this job. I can do everything and promise gonna do my job better. Woah it's really hard to put it in a words because its a have a minimum pf words so how can i make this long. But i just hope im gonna pass this job. This is what im looking for. It's really my need. Thank you so much! Manifesting i can work to this job and i will earn so much money. please i really need this job. I don't want to just sleep all day in my house after the studies. I wnat to help my family too so please give me this opportunity. Thank you so much! Woah it's really hard to put it in a words because its a have a minimum pf words so how can i make this long. But i just hope im gonna pass this job. This is what im looking for. It's really my need. Thank you so much! Manifesting i can work to this job and i will earn so much money. please i really need this job. I don't want to just sleep all day in my house after the studies. I wnat to help my family too so please give me this opportunity. Thank you so much!


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About Employer

Verified: NO
Main job category: All Categories
Total No. of Jobs: 1
Jobs Completed: 0
Total money spent: USD 0.00
Freelancer Rating: reviews yet....