Million Formula

Make money by choosing favorite soundcloud audio.

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Earn dollars to your account by choosing favorite soundcloud audio

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How it works

Now you can make money online by choosing your soundcloud favorite music/audio at MillionFormula. Just for making a soundcloud audio your favorite you get paid a lot of money. MillionFormula is giving you a chance to earn money online by doing the same things that you do for no pay. All you need is your MillionFormula account and your soundcloud account. MillionFormula account is 100% FREE to obtain and to participate in any task to make money. MillionFormula will never charge you any money for anything. There are no charges for joining nor charges for levels/upgrades.

Logged in with your MillionFormula account and connected with your soundcloud account, go to the music page. Of all the audio we have provided you, listen to those that you find interesting and if you like it just choose it as your favorite. For every audio that you choose as your favorite MillionFormula will be automatically adding money to your account. Its that easy, you listen to the music/audio, make it favorite, get paid. MillionFormula pays people a lot of money to do the same things that they do on social media for no pay. This your chance to make some money online as you have fun on social media.

 Earn money by choosing soundcloud favorites.

How to make money choosing favorite soundcloud audio at Million Formula

To make money at Million Formula by choosing soundcloud favorites is quite easy. Just the same way you do it on soundcloud is how you do it here. All you need is your Million Formula account and your soundcloud account. I believe by now you already have your soundcloud account. Active soundcloud account that you usually use. If you don’t have one register it here. To register a Million Formula user account follow the steps bellow.

  1. Click here to register new account.
    Hint! It is easiest and quickest to register a Million Formula account by just login with google. Just one click and that's it.
  2. On the registration page fill all your information, check to agree with our terms and conditions (hoping you have already read our terms and conditions) Verify that you are not a robot and then click on register.
  3. You will receive a verification code in your email inbox (if you don’t find the verification email in your inbox check the junk/spam box). Verify your email with the link.
  4. Login into your Million Formula account with your new username and password. Now you are ready to make money by choosing favorite soundcloud audio, music and podcasts.
  5. Click here to login with your soundcloud account to Million Formula.
  6. Click here to go to soundcloud audio favorites page.
    Tip! if you didn’t login with your soundcloud account in step 5 above you will be taken to soundcloud login page instead of soundcloud favorites page. So login with your soundcloud account and then proceed with the next step bellow.
  7. On the soundcloud audio page you will find many soundcloud audio that we have listed there. Listen to those that you find interesting and make them your favorite. Dont just make favorites the audio for the sake of making money but because you find those soundcloud audio interesting to you.

How much money can I make for choosing favorite soundcloud audio at Million Formula?

The amount of money that you earn for each favorite you make is not the same. Different soundcloud favorites earn you different amounts of money. There are those favorites that will earn you a lot of money while others will earn you less. The amount of money that each soundcloud favorite carries depends on the advertiser. The more the soundcloud advertiser is willing to pay you for the favorite the more you will earn. There is no set maximum so the advertiser is free to pay you as high as they want.

However there is a set minimum beyond which the advertiser is against our terms and conditions. In order to prevent the advertisers from making you spend days making favorites without paying you well, MillionFormula fixed a certain amount that we do not allow any advertisers to pay you bellow. We set $0.3 as the standard set minimum amount of money that you can get paid for making a soundcloud favorite at MillionFormula. This means that no soundcloud advertiser is allowed to pay you bellow $0.3 per a favorite. The advertisers are allowed and encouraged to pay you more than this for the favorites.

 Get paid for soundcloud favorites.

What not to do?

One of the most important things that we value most is our standards. We are the most respected company and was the first of its kind to offer such social media marketing services and we intend to keep it that way. We will never compromise our standards for anything. Our soundcloud favorites clients expect nothing but the best quality from us. That’s exactly what we will provide. Also we try to maintain the soundcloud standards from abuse. We understand that some people might feel the need to overstep and do things that soundcloud is against and that’s why we make sure that it doesn’t happen.

  1. Use of inactive/fake soundcloud accounts is against our terms and conditions. You should use the soundcloud account that you normally use on soundcloud. Registration of soundcloud accounts for the purpose of using at MillionFormula only is against our conditions. We constantly monitor the type of soundcloud accounts that people use at MillionFormula to make sure that they are following this rule.
  2. Do not delete/remove the soundcloud favorites that you make at Million Formula. Once you make a soundcloud audio a favorite at Million Formula you should not delete or remove it later. All the favorites you make at Million Formula should remain permanent.
  3. We recommend that you only choose favorites for the soundcloud audio that you like. We advice against choosing favorites of so many soundcloud audio just for the sake of making money. If you do it for the money you will end up choosing so many audio that you didn’t even find interesting. In doing so you might break our rule number 2 above. Similarly Soundcloud might penalize you.

Benefits of making money at Million Formula

To Make money by choosing favorite soundcloud audio, music and podcasts is only one of our very many ways of making money at Million Formula. We have tons and tons of many other ways to make money online at Million Formula. Moreover you can scroll down to the footer to see more of our ways of making money online.

Million Formula is the only company in this world that pays you for doing the same things that you do for free. We pay you for doing your hobby. Having fun and still getting paid for it. You normally choose soundcloud favorite podcasts for free daily without getting paid for it. However now you can get paid for it by Million Formula.

Million Formula pays you right away. When you achieve the minimum withdrawal limit just send us a payout request. We will process your payout immediately. Million Formula doesn’t have the end-month-payment policies. We pay your money right away.

Million Formula uses the worlds most trusted payment gateway which is PayPal. That means your money is safe and your bank account stays safe. Furthermore PayPal is an easy way to receive your money quick and withdraw it.

We pay REAL money. Unlike other online money making websites that pay you in coupons or shopping vouchers and gifts, we pay you in real cash. Real money direct to your account. We process all our payments in US dollars. You can easily convert the dollars to your local currency.

We have no country or age limitations. Hence anyone with the ability to make money by choosing favorite soundcloud audio, music and podcasts can get paid by us. Just send your PayPal email account and we will process your payment right away.

Million Formula is international. Therefore, no matter what “corner” of the earth you are, you can access Million Formula and make money by choosing soundcloud favorite music. In addition, its free for everyone.

Registering on Million Formula is 100% free. We will never charge you anything at Million Formula. You will never see any subscription fees or level fees or any membership fees. Its free for everyone to join Million Formula and make money.

make soundcloud favorites for money

Your earnings for choosing favorite soundcloud audio, music and podcasts.

For each and every soundcloud audio that you choose as your favorite, our systems will detect automatically and then pay you for it. This adds the money to your account automatically. Go to your soundcloud favorites earnings to see a cumulative total of all the money you have earned for choosing favorite audio. Each and every favorite carries a unique amount of money. Moreover, we pay you for each of them. Hence this is not a PPM system where you get paid for doing a certain number of tasks. No. We pay you for each and every favorite you make. Therefore you don't need to make mass favorites in order to get paid. We will pay you for even one favorite.

Payment and withdrawal

The good news is that we pay you right away. With us you do not have to wait to receive your money. Therefore, the same day that you finish making your money is when we will pay you. We do not have the end month or end week payment policies. The same day that you make a payout request is the day that you get paid. Note that you will need to have at least $20 in your account to be able to make a payout request. This is the money you have earned earlier by making soundcloud favorites. When you make the payout request we will make a manual review of your activities at millionformula. This is just to make sure that you are following guidelines for the purposes of quality control. After the review we will send your money to your PAYPAL account.

Can I buy my own soundcloud favorites?

Do you want to see more favorites for your audio? Do you want to have many of your audio chosen as favorites? Then you are at the right place because millionformula can get that for you. We can get people to choose your audio as favorites. Whatever audio it is, whether music or podcast or audio books, we will get the favorites for you. The favorites are necessary for the algorithm to rank your content better than others who have less favorites. Just go to our sales website mediageneous and buy your soundcloud favorites.