20 seconds about the Morocco earthquake

Price: $20 - $60
Mode of payment: Hourly rate
Pre-Funded: $0.00
Bid Status: Open
Posted: 7 Month(s) ago
Category: Writing
Sub-Category: Book Writing
Estimated Duration: Few hours
Freelancer Country: Worldwide
Location: Remote
Language Requirement: English
Experience level: Intermediate
No. of Proposals: 0
Price: $20 - $60
Mode of payment: Hourly rate
Pre-Funded: $0.00
Bid Status: Open


20 seconds of the Morocco earthquake was very difficult and good at the same time. The difficult thing is that many people died and we wish them mercy from God. The beautiful thing is that God gave them many people who were with them to help them.


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About Employer

Individual/Company: Individual
Name: Louaradi M
Country: Morocco
Verified: NO
Main job category: Writing
Total No. of Jobs: 1
Jobs Completed: 0
Total money spent: USD 0.00
Freelancer Rating: ....no reviews yet....