Million Formula

Make money online by sharing TikTok videos

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Earn dollars to your account by sharing tiktok videos.

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If you have been looking for ways to make money online with tiktok, here is and answer for your. Now you can make money online by sharing. Any social media user knows how to share videos and links on social media. Just click on the share button and share the link with any other social media platform of your choice. As soon as you share the video, our systems will detect it and pay you for it. Very simple right. Just for doing that we will pay you. Such an easy way to make money with tiktok. You have shared tiktok videos and links before and you did not make any money for it. However, now you will be able to make money for sharing the videos.

You can share these videos on tiktok itself or other social media. Like you can share the videos provided on twitter, facebook and other social media platforms. We provide you with so many tiktok videos of all kinds. Its upon you to choose the ones that you like and share. There is no requirement for you to share each and every tiktok video that we provide you with. We expect you to share only the videos that are interesting to you and to your audience. This is because when you share these videos on social media, your followers and fans will see them. Hence you do not want to share content that are irrelevant to them.

Get paid to share tiktok videos

You have been watching and sharing tiktok videos for free before. You did not make a single penny for the videos that you shared. Now millionformula has a way for you to share the very same videos and make money for it. We will pay you for each and every tiktok video that you share. Whenever you click on the share button and share any video, our systems detect it automatically. When the system detects it, it updates that as a successful share for you. The video that you share has a unique amount of money for the sharing. Our systems add this money to your account as soon as you finish sharing. This keeps your account always up to date.

The more tiktok videos you share the more money you will make. There is no limit to the number of videos you can share. You can share however many videos you want. Therefore there is no limit to the amount of money you can make by sharing tiktok videos. Hence, you can make as much money as you want. Just keep in mind that your followers or subscribers on your social media accounts will be seeing these videos that you share. Hence make sure that the content is relevant to your audience. We have so many categories of videos for you to choose from.

How it works

Millionformula provides an advertising platform for the tiktok users. The tiktok users can use millionformula to promote their content to people allover the world or to their target Geo-locations. These tiktok users pay us to promote the videos for them. They offer to pay you some money to share the videos for them. When these tiktok users hire millionformula to promote the videos for them, this creates an opportunity for you. It creates an opportunity for you to make money by sharing the videos. Every time you share the videos, we pay you the money accrued to that specific video.

When you share the videos on other platforms, the tiktok video owner gets the publicity they want. When your followers and fans see the videos and watch them, the client receives the views he or she wants. Moreover when the client's videos get more shares, tiktok ranks them higher. The higher the videos rank the more views and attention its likely to get. This fulfills the needs of the client. On the other hand, you get money for it. This fulfills the need for both parties. The tiktok shares clients and you looking for ways to make money online with tiktok.

Get paid to share tiktok videos.

How to make money by sharing tiktok videos.

Its very easy to Make money online by sharing TikTok videos here at millionformula. All you need is your millionformula account and your tiktok account. You do not need any money to do this. You do not need to do any investment for this. Both of these accounts you can obtain them for free. For tiktok, go to tiktok sign up page and register a new account for free. For millionformula, just follow the steps bellow.

Procedure to register a millionformula account.

Before we can take you through the steps to register an account with millionformula, here is a quick hack for you. On the registration page, if you click or choose to sign in with google, it will only take you a few seconds. It is the easiest and the preferred way to register at millionformula. If you don't wish to sign in with google, then follow the steps bellow.

  1. To Make money online by sharing TikTok videos you will first of all need to register a millionformula account. To register an account go to our registration page.
  2. On the registration page fill up the details required about you. This is information like your name, your email and password. Check the terms and conditions (Assuming that you have already read our terms and conditions), fill the captcha and then click on register button.
  3. After you click on register button, our system will take you to another page to confirm your registration. Simultaneously, our system will send a confirmation code to your email account. Check your email, copy the confirmation code and paste it on the confirmation page. After pasting the confirmation code, click on the confirm button and your account will be ready.
  4. Go to the login page and sign in using your newly created account details. This is the email that you used to register the account and the password that you entered. Now your are ready to start making money online by sharing tiktok videos.

Procedure to start making money by sharing tiktok videos.

  1. Before you can make money online by sharing tiktok videos, you need to sign in with tiktok to millionformula. For this you can click on millionformula tiktok shares program. When you click the link we will redirect you to another page where you can sign in. Use your tiktok account to sign to millionformula. This is the same way that you normally sign in with tiktok.
  2. After you sign in with tiktok our systems will redirect you back to millionformula tiktok shares program. On this page you can see all the videos that require sharing. There also categories for the videos for you to choose from. Choose the videos that you find interesting or are interesting to your audience and share them. To share them just click on the share button and a popup window will appear for you to share it.
  3. Every time you share a video, our systems will detect it automatically. When the system detects it it will update it on your account. The system will also add the accrued money to your account. This keeps happening as you keep sharing the videos. This way your account is always up to date.

How much money can you make by sharing tiktok videos here at millionformula?

The amount of money you will make for sharing the tiktok videos depends in you. The more you share the more you earn. The more videos you share the more money you get. Keep in mind that we will pay you for each and every tiktok video you share independently. You do not have to share many tiktok videos in order for us to pay you. This is not a per mile payment system but a per click payment. This means that we do not pay you as a bundle but one by one. Each and every tiktok video share. In addition to that keep in mind that each and every tiktok video share carry its own unique amount of money.

There are some that pay you more money than others. The tiktok shares clients are the ones that determine this amount of money. The more the clients are willing to pay for the shares the more money you make. Millionformula has a minimum limit of $0.4 for each share. This means that we do not allow the clients to pay anything less than this $0.4. However, the clients are free to pay more than this $0.4. This is because the $0.4 is not a fixed price nor is it the highest price. We give all the freedom to the clients to pay however much money they want above the minimum limit.

How to earn money online by sharing tiktok videos.

Conditions to follow as you share tiktok videos

In order for millionformula to be able to keep up the standards that our clients want, we have a set of conditions. These are the conditions that you need to follow as you share the tiktok videos in order for our clients to get the best shares. The clients want the shares to come from people who love their videos. They want the shares to come from real and active accounts. Therefore in order for us to keep up with this, we have the following conditions.

  1. Do not use fake or inactive social media to share the tiktok videos. For example, do not use a fake or inactive facebook account to share the tiktok videos. Our clients expect to get publicity for their content from the shares. If you use fake accounts to make the shares then the clients will not get the publicity.
  2. Do not delete the shares after you make them. When you share the videos on your social media platforms or any other platform, do not delete or remove the shared links later. The shares should remain permanent.
  3. Share only videos that you like and you know that your audience likes. Whenever you share a tiktok video on your social media platform, your followers/audience will see these videos. Therefore make sure that you don't bore your audience with so many junk videos.
  4. Do not share so many videos on the same platform at a time because your audience can only watch a few videos at a time. Thus if you share like a thousand videos in an hour, how are your followers going to see all that in one hour?
share tiktok videos for money

Your tiktok sharing earnings.

Like you have been reading above, you can make money online by sharing tiktok videos. This means that you get money for this. Our systems adds this money to your account automatically. That is whenever you share a tiktok video here at millionformula, our systems detects it and pays you for it. All this happens automatically. This money that we pay you varies from one video to another. Some will pay you more than others. You can always see a full report of these videos that you share on your tiktok shares earnings page.

This will show you all the videos you share, all the money accrued to these videos and all the money you made. The page will also show you a cumulative total of all the money that you got from the shares. All the money is in US Dollars which is easy to convert to your local currency. Whenever your want, you can apply for payment of this money. There are no extra charges to pay for this as everything here at millionformula is free.

Payment and withdrawal

Millionformula has a minimum payout rate of $20. That means for us to pay you, you have to make at least $20. After you make this amount just make a payout request. through your millionformula account. This request will notify our payments department to start processing your payment. For this, they will make a manual review of all your activities at millionformula. This is to make sure that you are following our guidelines as you share the tiktok videos. After they make the manual review, they will send the money you earned by sharing the tiktok videos to your account. They will send you the money through PAYPAL. However if you do not have paypal do not worry because we can still pay you through wire transfer. Therefore, make sure to update your payment details on your account.

Can i buy my own tiktok shares?

YES! You can buy your own tiktok video shares here at millionformula. At a very affordable price, we will get so many people around the world sharing your video. We will get millions of people from allover the world to see your video. You have the guarantee that all the shares are real and are from real people. In addition to that, you also have the guarantee that only real and active accounts will share your videos. For example if the person is sharing your tiktok videos on facebook, you have the guarantee that the facebook account will be real and active. Therefore, audience from facebook will be able to see your video. You can prove all this here at millionformula. Just go to our sales website to buy your own tiktok shares.

How many videos do you need to share on TikTok to get paid?

For, there is no number of tiktok video shares that will pay you any money. Tiktok does not pay you to share the videos. No matter how many videos you share you will not get any money for it. Not only tiktok but all social media services do not pay people to share the videos or the links. That is the kind of activities you do for free. However, millionformula is here to change things. Millionformula is giving you the chance to make money for sharing these tiktok videos and profile links. These videos and links are from tiktok users from all around the world. When you share them you are helping the clients in return for some money.

Therefore the number of videos you share here at millionformula matters. The number of videos you share determines the amount of money you will make. The more videos you share the more money you make. There is no limit to the number of videos you can share. Hence there is no limit to the amount of money you can make by sharing these videos. It all depends on your efforts. However, keep in mind that sharing bulk videos at a single moment is not good for your audience as well as our clients. The reason is because your followers and fans can not be able to go through hundreds or thousands of videos at the same time.

Do you get paid for sharing TikTok videos?

No. Tiktok does not pay its users to share videos. Like we have mentioned above, not only tiktok but all social media platform do not pay their users to share links. Only millionformula can pay you for such activities. Only here at millionformula is where you can share a tiktok video and make money for it. Choose the videos and profiles that you find interesting and share them with your social media or even your own website. We will pay you for all this. A good amount of money for that sake. This is a very good way to make money with tiktok online.

What makes MillionFormula legit?

There is a very thin line between legal/moral/ethical and illegal/immoral/unethical when it comes to selling, buying and making money through services like youtube views, likes, comments, subscribers, tiktok services like retweets, comments, followers, likes, instagram services, facebook services and more. Yet MillionFormula still remains a very ethical and legal company involved in very moral activities. Why so? Why is MillionFormula on the right side of matters when compared with other similar companies involved in similar activities. Visit the page bellow to know why.

What makes millionformula legit?