My name is hasbullah. I was born in indonesia country My skill is translite from english language to other dan from other to english. my age is 20th I have many different site of online job for i work mybe that is my experience My hobby is reading and create a content and sharing my hobby to my social media. Now i have an education in university of Stai rakha Amuntai I love game and if i can do the task and earn more anda more from this site i will make a youtube studio and i can promote this website and other website and sharing everything what i want to share This is a little translite from portuguese language to english language and to indonesia language Potuguese language O que é o Step GO Money Making App? Citado por Ulahkita, Step GO APK é um novo aplicativo para ganhar dinheiro cuja forma de trabalhar está relacionada a atividades esportivas. Não só isso, acontece que este aplicativo também fornece várias outras tarefas que você pode fazer. Surpreendentemente, este aplicativo pode ser executado nos bastidores sem que você precise abri-lo constantemente. Todas as atividades que você fizer serão sempre registradas e convertidas em pontos que você poderá trocar posteriormente em um saldo de e-wallet. Mesmo que este aplicativo se mova nos bastidores, a boa notícia é que ele não desperdiça energia da bateria. English language What is Step GO Money Making App? Quoted from Ulahkita, Step GO APK is a new money-making application whose way of working is related to sports activities. Not only that, it turns out that this application also provides several other tasks that you can do. Amazingly, this application can run behind the scenes without you having to open it constantly. All the activities you do, will always be recorded and converted into points which you can later exchange into an e-wallet balance. Even though this app works behind the scenes, the good news is that it doesn't waste battery power. Indonesian language Apa Itu Aplikasi Penghasil Uang Step GO? Dikutip dari Ulahkita, Step GO APK adalah sebuah aplikasi penghasil uang terbaru yang cara kerjanya berhubungan dengan kegiatan olahraga. Tak hanya itu saja, ternyata aplikasi ini juga menyediakan beberapa tugas lainnya yang bisa kamu kerjakan. Hebatnya, aplikasi ini bisa berjalan di belakang layar tanpa harus anda membukanya secara terus-menerus. Segala aktivitas yang kamu lakukan, akan selalu dicatat dan dikonversikan menjadi poin yang nantinya bisa anda tukarkan menjadi saldo e-wallet. Meskipun aplikasi ini bergerak di belakang layar, kabar baiknya aplikasi ini tidak boros dalam memakan daya baterai.