VERY SKILL READY TO WORK AT ANYWORK GIVEN ENJOYFUL LOVING Whatever is good for your soul, do that. Even the stars were jealous of the sparkle in her eyes. Stress less and enjoy the best. Get out there and live a little. I'm not high maintenance, you're just low effort. FAST PDF editor. Fast speed and high performance. Beautiful and dashing UI interface. Great PDF opening and reading experience. Rearrange PDF pages easily Foxit Phantom PDF is a full-featured PDF image editor that supports multiple languages. Foxit has the usual interface with basic functions as well as some more advanced ones. The program can handle many file types and convert them into PDF files and vice versa. Foxit Phantom allows you to edit a PDF document in a variety of ways, including adding images. It has the ability to merge and divide PDFs, change the text in the document, annotate and format PDFs in a variety of ways, and even encrypt PDFs.