My name is ZAHID UR RAHMAN, and I have completed my master’s degree in electronics from Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST). At the moment I am working as a freelancer to develop electronic projects, python and ML software. The core area of my job is electronic project designing, assembling, PCB Design, machine learning, computer vision, neural networks and natural language processing. After my graduation, I have worked as a research associate in MUST and did projects on nanotechnology with titles "nano fabrication of electronic devices using polymers and evaluate their electric features" and "developed CNC based silver and copper nano-ink printer for fabrication of RFID sensors". Later on, I did my master’s thesis in the computer vision field. I work on different models like Linear Regression, Deep Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines and K-nearest Neighbors. I also work on these deep learning frameworks TensorFlow, Pytorch, keras and Dlib. So i have high level of math skills.