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Account Type: Individual FREELANCER
Name: Muritala O
Company Name: Not a Company
Country: Nigeria
Verified: YES
Expertise category: Writing
Spoken Language(s): Arabic English Yoruba
Joining Date: 2022-10-14

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Ongoing Jobs: 0
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Payment type: Fixed price
Price Range: USD 5.00 - USD 50.00

Horse Ride Publication

The word of yesteryears is different from today's world it has become digital world, it is moving forward it is growing everyday it is good to be upgrading and updating like nowadays world. The world of ebooks are becoming more attractive, more profitable and more enjoyable. Amazon Kindle Direct publishing had made it easyfor writers, Authors and publishers all around the globe to publish their works with ease and comfort sitting in your room. And it's going to be purchase by millions of customers of Amazon all around the world I can edit, format, design cover and everything you need to receive massive sale. It make it easier for writers from Africa, Asia and all around the globe the best way to receive your royalty ( Payment) and the best way to receive massive sales was revealed in this book and also the hidden secret of Amazon kdp was revealed. I'm among the most successful e-publisher in Nigeria and west Africa, a poet with many digital awards and many greatness he had achieved in the macrocosm of Ebooks. Check This out!!! "I'm not getting sales" "I've published one,two, ten books but sales aren't coming in". "I've not sold a single copy for the past 3 months since I got started" These are common complaints I see on different KDP groups or people who engage me in private chats. And I've decided to address some of the questions you MUST pause and answer if you want to start selling on Amazon KDP. These 6 questions and how you answer them may be the reason behind your low or no sales on KDP. And for emphasis, answering these questions will only help you if you've created a TOP QUALITY book. If not, having more exposure may cause more harm than good. So, if sales are not coming in, here are questions you should answer. 1. Profitable Keywords Some people write and publish without necessarily making money from their books. I am not addressing you if you fall under this category. But if your goal includes making money on KDP, then you must look into your keywords and how profitable they are. You must publish books in HOT niches and profitable keywords. By this I mean keywords you've used in your title and subtitle, and your backend keywords must be search terms customers are searching on Amazon. If you've published books around keywords that no one is searching for, you're in a race to the bottom. 2. Professional book cover designs Check your cover designs. Are they standing out in the midst of other competing book covers? A saying goes "Don't judge a book by its cover". Well, that is not true on Amazon KDP. A poorly designed cover speaks volumes on the quality of content one is expecting from the book. If you can't design professional book covers yourself, you may consider improving your skill by taking lessons or hiring a graphic designer. 3. Proper written and well formatted book descriptions Check your book description Does it sell your book? Is it free of typos and spelling errors? Is it well formatted? You can take a cue from best selling books and learn. Take a look at their description and find what you can model(not copy) to improve on your book descriptions. 4. Additional book categories This is a free way Amazon has provided for authors and publishers to take advantage of. Some customers purchase books on Amazon via categories, others buy using search terms (keywords). When you add a book to more categories, you increase its chances of getting seen by potential customers. You can find a dedicated YouTube video on my channel that teaches you a step by step process on how you can add your book to 8 more categories. 5. A+ content This is another free option you can take advantage of to make more sales for your books. It is one of the most effective and important ways to increase customer trust, boost conversion rates, and acquire a higher ranking on Amazon KDP. With A+ content, you get the chance to increase customer's buying decisions using visuals and more content that showcase how your book is able to serve the needs of the customer. I have a free YouTube video on my channel that teaches you how to create and add A+ Content to your books on KDP. 6. Amazon Ads In addition to writing a Quality book, you must create a marketing environment for your book to thrive. Thousands of good books are buried on this platform for lack of proper marketing, and that's where you can use Amazon Ads to your advantages.


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