HELLO Sir My Name is Qamar And iam 24 years Old iam Graduate From Shah Abdul latif university Khairpure Sindh Pakistan I have. A skills As YouTube Video Editing YouTube Video Thumbnails Making .Image Editing For Social media Videos As well ..Also I have Skills For Deta Entry As well If You hire me Trust I Will Ful fill On Yours Hopes So you have multiple option at here And I don't what I say about my profile .But Wiring For You and Please Giving me The one Chance For Serve Something That YOU want ....Thanks ???? HELLO Sir My Name is Qamar And iam 24 years Old iam Graduate From Shah Abdul latif university Khairpure Sindh Pakistan I have. A skills As YouTube Video Editing YouTube Video Thumbnails Making .Image Editing For Social media Videos As well ..Also I have Skills For Deta Entry As well If You hire me Trust I Will Ful fill On Yours Hopes So you have multiple option at here And I don't what I say about my profile .But Wiring For You and Please Giving me The one Chance For Serve Something That Y