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USD 0 Average earned per job

Account Type: Individual FREELANCER
Name: Amarachukwu A
Company Name: Not a Company
Country: Nigeria
Verified: YES
Expertise category: Social media
Spoken Language(s): English
Joining Date: 2023-06-13

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USD 0 Average per workstream

All won Jobs: 0
Jobs Completed: 0 (0%)
Cancelled by Employer: 0 (0%)
All Employers worked with: 0
Ongoing Jobs: 0
Jobs Paid for: 0
Payment type: Fixed price
Price Range: USD 100.00 - USD 12000.00

Massive youtube marketing

I am a youtube marketing, for 2 years I have been helping people grow their youtube massively. I will help you boost your channel for a very cheap amount and less than 6 months, you will have your chanel monetize. From 100k subscribers to 50000 likes. I give you what you want and how you want it. I am a very honest person and I like working with people who know what they want and are straight forward. This depends on the size of the campaign of course, but I will execute the campaign as quickly as possible. I will work with you directly in order to ensure the campaigns are being executed quickly, while focusing and prioritizing efficiency and growth. We prefer to deliver 5k views per day with great engagement ratios, than 8k with less-great engagement ratios. Of course! This is the whole idea behind our service. I don't want to simply push your video,i want to push your entire channel via that video that we promote for you. The goal is to gain subscribers who then continue to engage with your content both past and future. That being said, my formula delivers high audience retention (typically 60%+) and engagement, which further drives YouTube’s algorithm to place your video in the “Suggested Videos” tab. This boost to the algorithm helps ensure your video continues to grow long after the campaign has been completed. Not many people have the budget to promote every single video they upload and we understand this. The beauty of YouTube is the ability to engage directly with the people visiting your content and to explain your vision in the description. This interaction is essential to growing your brand. Therefor, i do not see You Grow as a means of promoting your video; i see You Grow as a promotional strategy to promote your brand and build a fan base VIA a video. Yes, you will attain a considerable number of views with our service, but the true benefit lies with the fans you gain as a result. The only step of this process that is out of our hands is the review process carried out. It generally takes about 2-3 days or even less for an ad to be approved. After approval from Google, we immediately proceed with optimization where you can already see the first results Views and engagement appear 48 hours after your campaign is optimized by the YouGrow team and approved by Google. Your dedicated campaign manager will be available to answer any questions throughout your campaign. This depends on HOW explicit the content is. Showing nudity, drug use, blood/gore, violence, etc will have Google disapprove your ad for “Shocking” or “Adult” content. However, light swearing or brief/mildly suggestive content generally still gets approved. If you aren't sure if your song will be approved, feel free to email us!


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