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USD 0 Average earned per job

Account Type: Individual FREELANCER
Name: RAYI J
Company Name: Not a Company
Country: India
Verified: NO
Expertise category: Sales and marketing
Spoken Language(s): English Hindi Tamil
Joining Date: 2023-11-07

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USD 0 Average per workstream

All won Jobs: 0
Jobs Completed: 0 (0%)
Cancelled by Employer: 0 (0%)
All Employers worked with: 0
Ongoing Jobs: 0
Jobs Paid for: 0
Payment type: Fixed price
Price Range: USD 25.00 - USD 75.00

STORY WRITER , VIDEO editing ,ACTING , poultry, fighting roosters breeding,

editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,, i want to make money. because everybody is discouraging me everytime so i want to become rich so i need job editing , poultry farming ,, fighting roosters sales, taking short videos, content writing ,, story writing , i can raise roosters and sell them and second handle cars ,bikes ,laptops, cameras , i can sell using social media ,, i have YouTube channel ,,


None provided by freelancer.
Expertise: Sales and marketing

Sub Category: Content Marketing

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