Referring to a long career and experience at designing and marketing products and going into selling, I would plenty help and share many information and thoughts about any production in sight, also getting to know and view new ideas and content about my interests areas, hopefully this experience gets me to a new perspective and levels of my work and career. I everyone needs to share and get and this help’s surely to develop a kind of melting pots and gets designer to know and experience new needs witch is the main drive to new ideas in design Referring to a long career and experience at designing and marketing products and going into selling, I would plenty help and share many information and thoughts about any production in sight, also getting to know and view new ideas and content about my interests areas, hopefully this experience gets me to a new perspective and levels of my work and career. I everyone needs to share and get and this help’s surely to develop a kind of melting pots and gets designer to know and experience new needs witch is the main drive to new ideas in design