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USD 0 Average earned per job

Account Type: Individual FREELANCER
Company Name: Not a Company
Country: Kenya
Verified: YES
Expertise category: Assignments
Spoken Language(s): English
Joining Date: 2022-02-24

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USD 0 Average per workstream

All won Jobs: 0
Jobs Completed: 0 (0%)
Cancelled by Employer: 0 (0%)
All Employers worked with: 0
Ongoing Jobs: 0
Jobs Paid for: 0
Payment type: Hourly rate
Fixed Price: USD 30.00

Expert in freelance, I handle various tasks.

I am ambitious, timely and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward. I'm not comfortable with settling, especially for less and I'm always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. I always try to go an extra mile to make sure that my customers and clients are fully satisfied with my services.


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Employers' reviews and ratings

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