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USD 0 Average earned per job

Account Type: Individual FREELANCER
Name: Osama S
Company Name: Not a Company
Country: Pakistan
Verified: YES
Expertise category: Writing
Spoken Language(s): English
Joining Date: 2022-02-28

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USD 0 Average per workstream

All won Jobs: 0
Jobs Completed: 0 (0%)
Cancelled by Employer: 0 (0%)
All Employers worked with: 0
Ongoing Jobs: 0
Jobs Paid for: 0
Payment type: Fixed price
Price Range: USD 5.00 - USD 15.00

Expert in writing insightful, relevant and engaging content

Quality-driven Editor with exceptional attention to detail and the ability to meet tight deadlines. Superior writing skills for guidelines and captions. Writing insightful, relevant and engaging content plays a fundamental role in social media campaigns. In order to develop interest of readers and attract. Work Experience RESEARCH EDITOR Life science global(Canadian publishing company aiming to offer peer-reviewed research journal) 1) Evaluate the technical and grammatical accuracy of research 2) Confer with authors regarding changes in style and content 3) Collect and analyze specialized data and translate it into copy that the general public can understand.


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Expertise: Writing

Sub Category: Copywriting

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