I accept more others jobs in meany domains includibg typing, writing, watching videos. I now wish to deepen my experiences in professional environment and put my skills at the service of organizations of development. I am passionate about all things tracking and evaluation in research and development projects, the rural geography, cartography, information systems Geographical (GIS), NGOs, and all matters relating to land use planning. My training, internships and previous works provided me with a solid basis for considering practicing professions in these areas. I have already started a doctoral thesis alternately between the USSG and AgroParisTech. At present, the exercise of a job, whether long-term determined or indeterminate, would be a very constructive asset for my professional career. Obtain a position as a monitoring and evaluation within the NGO "NRC" would be for me the opportunity to acquire enormous professional skills. I will not waste your time by inflating my merits or even by exaggerating my titles. What I can of course assure you in all sincerity is that I have very good academic results and I will work hard for you. I am convinced that my scientific curiosity and my mind analysis will allow me to succeed. I am available for any trip to the field and for any call telephone. I also remain at your disposal for any request of your leave. In anticipation of a response that I hope will be positive, please want to accept my most cordial greetings.