I am a Professional Freelancer and Blogger my name is Hamza Mehmood and I am 25 years old. For the past 5 years, I’ve been working as a business analyst at Company Jeo . I have some background in data analysis, with a degree from University Quide Azam . What really got me into the field, though, is the internship I did at Company Jeo . Throughout my career, I’ve noticed that I’ve always been good with numbers and handling data. For example, when I was working at Company Jeo, I led a project for migrating all operations data to a new data warehousing system to cut down on costs. The new solution was a much better fit for our business, which eventually led to savings of up to $2000 annually. Moving forward, I hope to expand my experience across different industries. Particularly fintech, which is why I’m interested in your company..”