Verilen i?i tamamlama ve kalite kontrol etme Deneme yan?lma Toplu be?eni payla??m Öneri talep Tedarik etme Sat??a sunma Reklam ve i? birli?i akl?n?za gelebilecek her türlü i?te bizi tercih ederseniz memnun kal?rs?n?z mercans Home ailesi olarak sizinle çal??maya her zaman aç???z güler yüzü ve tatl? dili olan ailemiz sizi memnun etmek için haz?r Completing the given work and quality control Trial and error Mass liking sharing Requesting suggestions Sourcing Putting up for sale Advertising and collaboration You will be satisfied if you choose us in any kind of business you can think of As mercans Home family, we are always open to working with you Our family with a smiling face and sweet language is ready to please you