Hai. I am a female and is 26 years of age. I am a full-time mom for one child, and specialize in multitasking. I like my work and home environment to be organized and perfect. Being time orientated is my middle name. I am currently exploring new languages and would like to share my language capabilities with someone that will see it as an asset. I have a variety of skills, including logo design, payroll management, bilingual, and a good Typer. I suffer from insomnia, thus will be good at comprehend tasks in time, if not earlier. I am currently taking classes online to further my experiences in marketing and business Managment. I aim to have my B-com degree in business management and marketing within the next 4 years. I have already completed my first year and is currently enrolling into taking this opportunity to comprehend my goals while being of assistance to whoever need my skills or time.