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USD 0 Average earned per job

Account Type: Individual FREELANCER
Name: Elijah N
Company Name: Not a Company
Country: Kenya
Verified: NO
Expertise category: Data entry
Spoken Language(s): English French German
Joining Date: 2025-01-26

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USD 0 Average per workstream

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Jobs Completed: 0 (0%)
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Ongoing Jobs: 0
Jobs Paid for: 0
Payment type: Hourly rate
Price Range: USD 20.00 - USD 35.00

Detail-Oriented Data Entry Specialist | Accurate and Efficient Data Management

I possess extensive expertise in data entry, with a proven track record of accuracy, efficiency, and attention to detail. I am highly skilled in using various data management tools and software, including Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and database systems, to input, organize, and maintain large volumes of data. My experience includes ensuring data integrity, conducting thorough quality checks, and meeting tight deadlines in fast-paced environments. Additionally, I have applied my data entry skills in academic and professional settings, including projects requiring precise numerical and textual input. My ability to work independently or collaboratively while maintaining confidentiality and ensuring data security highlights my commitment to excellence in this field.


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Expertise: Data entry

Sub Category: Excel

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