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Account Type: Individual FREELANCER
Name: Vinny W
Company Name: Not a Company
Country: Kenya
Verified: NO
Expertise category: Translation
Spoken Language(s): English French German Greek Hindi Hungarian Italian Japanese Javanese Kiswahili Korean Portuguese Russian Spanish Turkish
Joining Date: 2023-01-21

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USD 0 Average per workstream

All won Jobs: 0
Jobs Completed: 0 (0%)
Cancelled by Employer: 0 (0%)
All Employers worked with: 0
Ongoing Jobs: 0
Jobs Paid for: 0
Payment type: Hourly rate
Price Range: USD 20.00 - USD 60.00

You won't be disappointed by the work done

Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better. Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better. Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better. Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better.Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better.Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better.Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better.Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better.Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better.Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better.Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better.Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better.Cultural knowledge has a strong connection with language knowledge for translators, who have to translate between people with different backgrounds. Idioms, references and slang, for example, can have different meanings depending on how they're used. A cultural knowledge can help a translator communicate better.


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Expertise: Translation

Sub Category: English

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